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You know, these nasty comments don't really bother me that much. I chose to leave my blogs open, and I chose to be brutally honest, so I get the know-it-all comments a lot!
I would love for these people to fly over here for a few weeks, and then open their mouths and make a comment again. Its not like we are in Paris, or London, where people speak English and there are a lot of Americans there. I have seen two American missionaries here in her region, and that is it! Nobody else speaks English, which makes everything much more difficult.
And for some clarifications for the judger's who speak when they don't know the process... we are not leaving her here and flying home for the weekend. First of all, I'm not going to do a full day of flights, just to be home for a few days and come back. Second, and again brutally honest, I don't know if I could come back after going home! We were hoping to get our court date Friday, so that we could leave Saturday to come home. And the reason we are leaving her here is not us, its the system. They have a 10 day waiting period after court, which MOST families fly home during. So we fly home for the 10 days, and then Ray and his dad are going back to pick her up, and I'm staying home with the boys. We hate to leave her here, but we have no other choice, and I know she is well taken care of at her orphanage.
Yes, I will be going home to my comfy house, and so will she soon. We are fortunate Americans, and we will definitely appreciate what we have a lot more when we get home. So you can't tell me that you wouldn't want to go back to your comfy home either! Because I know that would be a flat out lie!
I'm not depressed, because really depression is something long lasting, I'm homesick. And it is hard sitting in a tiny room, with no toys, and play with a baby for two hours. We just want her home to play with. We are trying to teach her to laugh, she is very stoic. She is not used to be tickled, or playing paddycake. She's just never done those things. Just wait until her brothers get a hold of her, she'll learn real quick! She is always falling asleep on us, again, not used to being cuddled. But we can't let her sleep, so we are constantly trying to keep her awake. Man, its difficult sometimes!
Interpol is in, but it still needs to go to the SDA. So we are here another weekend, with court (tenativelly) scheduled for Monday. I think we are going to go to the hotel tomorrow for the weekend. Just because they have bowling, and pool, so we can keep ourselves busy while we wait. A getaway within a getaway! (Although I wouldn't call this whole trip a getaway!)
(this picture is supposed to be with the bow pictures, but a lot of the stuff on this computer is in Russian and I can't figure out how to move it!)
Everyday is the same. Sleep late, because we stay up late talking to family, and its not like we have somewhere to be! Go see the baby from 1-3. Although I love seeing her, its getting harder to entertain a baby for two hours. I'm tired of the visits, I just want to get this done so we can go home. Its much colder in her region than in Kiev. We think its because its right on the river, at the largest part. You can't even see across, it looks like the ocean. We each only have one sweatshirt. We may give in and buy an expensive one here. Thats all we've been able to find so far.
Interpol still hasn't come in. So still no court. We are considering going to a hotel because the apartment is freezing! And I think I may just be more comfortable there. We can use our own computer, which means we can skype again with the boys. We haven't been able to skype since we've been in her region. I really, REALLY, want to go home this weekend, I don't want another weekend here. So please, please pray that interpol comes in tomorrow. It leaves us wondering why they send families to the country before all the paperwork is finished!
Its hard to explain to you my emotions right now. I don't want to leave my beautiful girl, but emotions thinking about home just take over my heart. I feel like I've abandoned my boys, and feel like I've taken risks when I have children at home. I don't know why I'm feeling this, but this routine everyday is literally making me crazy. My appetite is gone, and I just want to go home. People keep telling me I'm the strongest person they know, and that I can do this. But I'm not so sure I feel the same. I crack a little more each passing day with no court.
Anyway, here's some pictures finally. I gave in and downloaded then on to this computer. I'll just have to leave them a note to delete all of our pictures when we leave. One day it was actually nice enough to go outside for a bit. So here's some of her orphanage.
Trying out our bows and beanies from home!
We call this the cabbage patch face!
Sorry, no new pictures today. We are staying in an apartment where we have to use their computer, not our laptop, so I'm downloading all my pictures on somebody elses computer. Some people in Ukraine will rent out their apartments for adoptive families for extra money. So we basically kicked these people out of their home for a few days. I tried deleting my pictures off that I have taken so far, but they keep coming back. The majority of stuff on this computer is still in Russian so reading it is impossible.
We had our third visit with our baby girl this morning. Again she is bundled so much that she can barely move. Her clothing today: A long-sleeved sleeper jammy, thick tights over that, the thick, pink pants and top over that, and socks over her feet. 3 layers, and that is indoor clothing! She is still very quiet, but today she was extremely cuddly. I think she is realizing that we cuddle with her and she is loving the attention. It breaks my heart to leave her for 10 days. I don't want her to think these people that came and loved on her just up and left, but once she's home for a while she won't even remember that.
And I'm sorry that I never said what happened with Jax. Last Thursday, I believe, he was making strange noises from his trach. When at Auntie Boo's he did it again, but it got louder and louder. Then he acted like he couldn't get any air and started thrashing around. She tried suctioning him, but it got worse and he turned blue and limp. Somewhere during all this her son called 911. They used saline and was able to get him breathing again. They took him to the hospital but he was fine and came home that night. They were saying it was a plug, which is just weird to me because I've never experienced that with him before. The next day she took him to my ped, where he did it again but not as severe. She sent him straight up to the ENT to see if there was scar tissue in his trach. That all looked fine but she admitted him overnight to make sure he was ok. He is home now and doing fine, but it still just makes me want to go home and never leave my boys again.
I must be such a pansie! The boys are fine at home. When I talk to them on the phone, none of them cry or say they miss me, which is just fine with me because it helps make being gone a lot easier. Me and Ray definitely are having a much harder time then they are. That is why we decided to come home for the 10 day wait. We really don't have the money to fly again, but we'll have to dig it from somewhere because I need to come home. Yeah, Sunday is ending, only 2 more days until court, then we go back to Kiev for one night. Then we have to be at the airport at like 2:30 in the morning Thursday to fly home. I can't wait to see my boys, go to movies, and our favorite places to eat. Is so cold here right now, that we can't really explore because we freeze. We didn't bring near enough warm stuff. It was 80 in Utah when we left, and the other day they said it was 80. I can't wait to get back to that weather!
See, she does have hair, quite a bit actually!
Sorry these pics are dark and not the greatest, we only had minutes with her before they wisked her away and us away to do paperwork. She's actually smaller in person than she is in pictures. She only weighs 13 lbs, but with all those layers on, she looks huge. Her little features are just tiny. They said she has a hole in her heart and something else that I never did get clear in English, just stuff cardiology will check out when we get home.
Seeing her was the highlight of the day, of course, but we are still struggling just being here. Jax was naughty and spent the night in the PICU, but I believe he's going home today, but that just makes things worse. Our facilitator was fantastic and had paperwork expedited so we can get home as soon as possible. We ran around having things notarized, and our court date is Wednesday. Then I think we are both flying home, because here they don't waive the 10 day wait. Who's coming back, we don't know yet, emotions still need to be worked out before thats decided.
Oh and we are going to leave her real name instead of Makayla. We can't say what it is until court is over, but when we saw how beautiful it was and how well it fit with Marie, we decided to leave that part of her history alone.
Is this staircase straight out of a horror movie or what?
The view from our apartment window.
Recognize these adorable babies? Peach and Mallory's mom showed us around a bit, and took us to Mcdonalds!
Beautiful Aaron, also just adopted, and on his way home now!
We had our SDA appointment today. It was short and sweet. The picture they have of her isn't the same as ours, but she is the same age, so we still have no idea what she looks like now. They wouldn't let us trade pictures, but thats ok since they look the same. They said she has a heart defect, but when he tried to pronounce it, it didn't even sound remotely familiar. I don't think they know exactly what she has. But of course when we get her home, we'll have the cardiologist tell us exactly what is going on with her little heart. And thats about it. We go pick up our referral on Wednesday at 4, and since our region is so close, our facilitator will just drive us there on Thursday morning after he submits dossiers. So Thursday you should see pictures of our baby girl finally! And what she looks like now. Trust me, we are all dying to see her!!