Sunday, September 26, 2010

We're here, semi unscathed!

We made it. Oh man I never want to see another plane again! I'm already homesick, tired, and totally freaked out. We have no idea how to get anywhere, and we are in a dilapidated old building. I miss my boys and could just cry. I need some sleep, then I will feel a little better about things!


  1. deep breaths...breathe in, breathe out...
    You're going to do great, your boys are going to do great while you're gone...
    Good luck! I can't wait for more updates!

  2. I know the feeling, but believe me IT GETS BETTER!

    Fatigue has A LOT to do with it :)

    And even though the place looks run down, it a pretty safe place...I think we all stay in the same places in Kiev.

    Try not to worry about everything, it all works itself out!!

    And once you get in region, it will probably be a lot smaller and easier to navigate :)

    Good Luck :)

  3. you will feel better when you get to see your baby. glad you made it safe

  4. Don't worry everything is going to be fine, get some sleep and let the new day begin. I am so glad you are there and have made it in one piece. Don't worry about your boys, I have been praying for Jax and I am sure so have so many others.Remember who you will be seeing so very soon!!!!

  5. Your almost to your baby girl----stay strong!!!

  6. Get some sleep.Everything will be better after that.Then just breath and keep your eye on the prize ... Makayla!!

  7. Get some sleep, have some chocolate, then head to TGIFs! Yes, the dilapidated buildings and hard beds take some getting used to; the scary stairwells make me appreciate home! Just think of it as an adventure. You will get used to it, and it will be better once you're in region. You get to meet your girl in a few days!!!!

  8. I don't know much about where you are but I have traveled in similar situations :-(...alot of people praying for you and for your boys back will ALL be fine, just go get that baby girl!!!!!!

  9. Lacey I am so glad to hear that you guys are there safe and sound. I am sure that once you have that little girl in your arms, it will all fade away. I cannot wait to hear more and see her little face in your pictures!

  10. Goodness girl, call me, I'll fix you up!

  11. that down doesn't always mean bad. Middle class is run down....

    It gets better...way better...excited to follow.

  12. Glad you made it there. Hopefully your time will go quickly especially when you see that little girl.

  13. I definitely think that sleep will make things a whole lot usually does. And just remember that your attitude is what dictates how things will go. Just enjoy all of the new things you will see that most of us never will get to and don't focus on the negatives. And in just a few days....pure sweetness will trump all!!! Glad you guys made it safely!!

  14. Thinking about you lots and praying!!! Glad to hear you arrived safely! Praying the homesickness goes away and you can enjoy the road to your sweet girl! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

  15. Hang in there, girl!! You are not alone - God is with you. We are praying like crazy for you - hug your man!! - Maureen C

  16. It will all be worth it when you have your baby girl in your arms!!

    Thinking of you!

  17. God give them strength, peace, and comfort. Let everything go smoothly and quickly. Thank you for calling them to this child Lord and thank you for bringing Makayla into this world. In Your name we pray. Amen

    Praying! Hugs! Be blessed.


  18. Lacey you're an incredible girl!!! be strong and everything is gonna go the way it should cause you deserve it!!! you're an inspiration!
    we're praying for you and your entire family
    can't wait for updates!! looking forward to see pictures of sweet Makayla with her momma and daddy! and very soon with her incredible brothers!

    God bless you!

    Veronica Garcia

  19. I'm crying for you, tears of joy! Oh the joy you will have when you see her for the first time. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  20. I'm sure you are totally overwhelmed, but just keep thinking of Makayla. :)

  21. Praying for you my friend. I'm sure the day will look brighter after some sleep. Praying for the boys - and totally jealous that you get to hold that girl in a few days!
