Sunday, August 8, 2010

In times of stress!

Not much to say right now. Just a lot to say on our family blog. Jax is being such a stinker! His health is really declining, and my ped is wondering if now is a good time to go out of the country. I just want my little girl home. There will never be a good time with him, and I'm not going to say wait until he's gone. I'm not even going to go there.
We did get that license sent off, so we should for sure be submitted this Thursday. Thats about all I can say, I'm concentrating on getting Jax better so I feel better about leaving him for so long. But I don't know if I'll fully be ok with leaving him!


  1. I'll be praying that you are submitted on Thurs!

  2. Praying that this Thursday is the day and that Jax gets better and stays better.

  3. Gosh, Lacey, I started bawling reading this... I guess I know how stressful it is for us and we do not have the added fears of leaving a medically fragile child at home.

    Maybe if your dr writes a letter to the judge saying that Jax is medically fragile... maybe you could get the ten days waived...? Why don't you ask your facilitator if this is possible.

  4. OH... this breaks my heart. We'll continue to pray.

  5. Oh Lacey praying that Jax gets better and stays better. Just like you I don't even want to think of it any other way. I will be praying really hard. Your little girl will also be coming home soon...praying praying praying that everything works out. Hugs to you and to Jax as well.

  6. lifting up prayers for Jax that you'll be able to travel fro your baby soon.
