Ok, one of these days I'll have something good to post! I just found out that something was missing from my paperwork and I was never notified! After each Thursday I would ask, "how do I find out if everything is ok?"
No response!
It was just because I pushed again this morning that it was found! And the reason why I pushed again is because I found out that my friend, whose paperwork has been there as long as ours, had something missing too! Neither of us were told and we are both livid!
The only thing keeping me from a total meltdown, is that the document I need is easy to get. My social workers license expired in June, so we sent the new one. Well they want the old one because it was in affect when the home study was done. I do have a copy of the old one. So on Monday I have to run and have my social worker notarize it, run and pay the outrageous fee of $65 to have it apostilled while I wait, and then send it as quickly to Eastern Europe as it can go. Which will be well over $100. I doubt they have next day service overseas like that. I still don't know if that will be in time to have it submitted Thursday, which means its sits for another week, a total of 5 weeks in her country before even being submitted!
Gav Swag!!!!!
9 years ago