Ok, our dossier is out of my hands and being apostilled as we speak! I can go have a nice, long holiday weekend!
We are extending the MP3 player givaway for another week, so click on the top chipin that says MP3 player and buy tickets. If you already bought tickets don't worry that it says 0 right now. I had to do another chipin, I still have everyone that has bought tickets so far. One ticket is 10.00 or 3 for 25.00. However much you donate you will get that many entries. So lets say you donate 100.00, you will get 12 entries into the drawing! Click here to read about the MP3 player.
Spread the word, we are fast approaching our date to go overseas, so we are in a last minute rush to raise funds!
And of course the cute hair clips are always on sale. Click on the cute ladybugs to see which ones we have, and just leave a comment telling me which ones you want. You can pay in the second chipin down that says bring Makayla home!
Gav Swag!!!!!
9 years ago